What I read in April | Monthly Wrap Up

When I set up to take the photos for this post…I realized I have read EIGHT books this month! Eight! I am so proud of myself! I also noticed that I read half of them in ebook format. I got used to reading on my Kindle and I particularly love it because it’s so easy to take it anywhere I go, and still have several books to choose from.

  1. First book I read in April was The Pearl by John Steinbeck. I began reading Steinbeck this year for the first time, and I love his books. My favorite is still Of Mice and Men up to now.


  1. Next, I read The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson. I didn’t know much about the book or the author, but it turned out to be a decent book. You can find my review on it here.


  1. Low (Volume 1) by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini was a comic that I actually pre-ordered from bookdepository. I read it as soon as I got it and I enjoyed it a lot. My review is here.


  1. Ten Days in a Mad House by Nellie Bly. After I read this, I decided to read all her work and write a special post about her. I still plan on doing that, I just haven’t found the time to inform myself more about her life.


  1. Around the World in Seventy-Two Days by Nellie Bly.


  1. I won’t say much about I Shall Live: Surviving the Holocaust Against All Odds by Henry Orenstein, but it became one of my favorite books. Read all my thoughts on the book here.


  1. The Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim was another interesting read, and you can read my review here.


  1. And finally, we finish this post and my April reads with a classic: A Study in Scarlet: A Sherlock Holmes Aventure by A.C.Doyle.


That was it, guys! Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Also, guys…read I Shall Live by H. Orenstein. I promise you it’s a great book!

OK, now it’s time to get out in the sun, it’s a wonderful day outside and there is a nice event in the park. Maybe I’ll blog about it 🙂 (there are books involved!).

Have a nice weekend everyone!


March book haul! & wrap up

First, what I got this month… 

I had no idea I bought so many books in March until I put all the books together for this post. But at least the Penguin Little Black Classics are cheap so…:)

As soon as I found out that a bookstore in my city has Little Black Classics I went and bought one (I don’t know why just one), and then a few weeks later I bought three other books because…well…how could you not?! I already read Femme Fatale(Maupassant) and Mrs Rosie and the Priest (Boccaccio) and really enjoyed them. A short story from Maupassant actually gave me an idea for a short movie. And Boccaccio…well, if you haven’t read him yet, you have to! 14th century literature is something else. It was a surprise for me since it was the first time I ventured in that time period’s literature.

I got Jim Thompson’s book just because the cover caught my eye (guilty!), but I already started reading it and I like it so far! It’s twisted in its own particular way, so I recommend it for anyone who loves noir but also murder/ psychological stories.

OK…I never read Agatha Christie (I know, I know…), hence I decided it’s time to start this adventure. I always wanted to read her books but never knew where to start, so while I was in the bookstore I saw a bunch of her books exposed for sale and I just picked one at random(Three Act Tragedy). We’ll see how it goes 🙂 I’ll probably do a review on this one.IMG_1257

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